Foot Fighter Twins: Tasha & Suzie - This two adorable Twins, come to us from South America. Don't be fooled by their size, these Tiny Titans can pack a BIG kick, with their size 6.5 feet, any time they want ! These girls can cat fight & wrestle & when they team up, they are hard to beat. If you are looking at the pic to the left, Tasha is on the left & Suzie is on the right. | |
Loni - Straight from the Hawaiian Islands, Loni's size 7 Feet are as hot as the weather & as cool as the water. Her size 7s are silky smooth. However, this girl can kick ass, she wrestled on her high school team beating guys & girls alike & she always wrestles bare foot, now that's an island girl for you! | |
Mei Lin - This Chinese American cutie comes to us from Northern California. She has studied some Kung Fu & is currently taking American style Tae kwon Do, so watch out for those lovely size 7.5 & those deadly high kicks! |